AMNC heads to the IUCN World Conservation Congress
By Engin Yilmaz, AMNC Coordinator & Director of Yolda Initiative
During the Congress, AMNC will share experiences from its collective efforts in projects promoting sustainable land-use practices, highlighting the true value of reconnecting to the lands and practices that sustain livelihoods, and affirming the social, economic and environmental benefits of Mediterranean cultural landscapes.
Join AMNC at the following three sessions:
06 Sep 2021 14:45 – 16:15
Description: The event will show how the coordination among all stakeholders and decision makers at Mediterranean level try to mitigate conflicts between preservation and economic issues, and to improve biodiversity protection. Different example will illustrate the importance of different stakeholders : (i) a governance approach to Mediterranean MPAs, (ii) examples of cooperation for management of landscapes in Mediterranean small islands, (iii) the role of cultural practices and cultural landscapes in conserving biodiversity and maintaining the well being of communities, and finally (iv) the role of women in the conservation, management and protection of natural resources and habitats.
06 Sep 2021 16:15 – 17:00
Why attend: Widening cross-sectoral dialogue is beneficial to protect biodiversity in vulnerable marine areas, and to learn how to mitigate adverse impacts of human activities on marine resources. The involvement of all users of the sea is key to improve governance. For the sake of a sustainable Mediterranean all are invited to brainstorm on better solutions.
Mediterranean Partnerships’ Conservation Action Plans: their contribution to MAVA 27-year heritage
06 Sep 2021 18:00 – 21:00
Description: The conservation of nature and livelihoods in the Mediterranean needs strong partnerships to up-scale results and generate bigger impact, while supporting local efforts to achieve regional results. We will listen to MAVA partners about the outcome action plans (OAP) in the Med that aim to leave a solid legacy of conservation and community-based impact at the right scale. Dynamic interventions of panellists will focus on sharing the particularities, opportunities, challenges and impacts of the MAVA OAP approach, referring to their experience working on the management of river basins, conservation of coastal wetlands, reduction of fishing impacts and pressures, sustainable land-use practices, protection of sea turtles and migratory birds and vultures. In the second part of the event, partners will celebrate the 27 years of the MAVA Foundation and its support to the protection of the environment in the Med region through innovative, multi-stakeholder, inclusive and bottom-up approaches.