El sistema agrario de Alto Valor Natural de la dehesa española: Indicadores de manejo y resultado

El sistema agrario de Alto Valor Natural de la dehesa española: Indicadores de manejo y resultado


The dehesas are a clear example of agricultural High Nature Value Systems dominated by low intensity livestock with semi-natural vegetation for grazing or foraging. However, overexploitation or abandonment can lead to the loss of habitat and high value species. Therefore, the definition of appropriate indicators that allow the identification, quantification and monitoring of High Nature Value dehesas is urgently needed to alert society about the values and problems of dehesas, consolidate examples of sustainable management in the field, and consider their
inclusion in agri-environmental policies in order to improve their socioeconomic and
environmental viability.

This report proposes the automatic obtaining of two indicators scalable at national level and repeatable in time; the High Nature Value dehesa indicator (DHS-AVN) as a result of the proposed silvopastoral management indicators at site level (agricultural parcel), and the High Nature Value Systems of dehesa indicator (SAVN-DHS) as a result of the elevation at landscape level of the DHS-AVN indicator.