Search for publications that have been developed with the aim to sustain Mediterranean cultural landscapes by project or partner:
The collective impact of AMNC for Mediterranean cultural landscapes
The full impact report of AMNC's 2017-2022 work for Mediterranean cultural landscapes is now available!
Animation: A trip through the cultural landscapes of the Mediterranean (AMNC)
This short animated video by Wood Gear Animation presents the line of work and collective impact of the AMNC for Mediterranean cultural landscapes.
Factsheet: Lemnos
Explore Lemnos Island in the North Aegean Sea, Greece, and learn about the traditional mandra system and MedINA's work with local farmers.
2017-2022 Final Evaluation Report
The Final Evaluation Report showcases key learnings, strategies and case studies from the AMNC's work between 2017 and 2022.
The conservation status and distribution of Mediterranean dung beetles
According to a report from IUCN-Med, dung beetles are facing major losses of suitable habitats due to the decline of traditional livestock farming practices and the abandonment of rural environments, as well as chemical contamination of dung by veterinary medical products.
Small slaughterhouses: key to the viability of extensive livestock farming
An analysis of the importance of building a network of small local slaughterhouses to achieve sustainable food systems. Is there an alternative model to industrial slaughterhouses? Would it be feasible to propose a network of small slaughterhouses at national level that would facilitate this final and crucial stage of the extensive livestock farming cycle? (Language: Spanish)
El sistema agrario de Alto Valor Natural de la dehesa española: Indicadores de manejo y resultado
A study to define the appropriate indicators that allow the identification, quantification and monitoring of High Natural Values dehasas in order to alert society about the values and problems of dehasas thus improving society's sosioeconomic and environmental viability. (Language: Spanish)
The Legacy of the Land
Today, the Mediterranean is under intense pressure from a variety of human activities and has become a priority for conservation. Mediterranean biodiversity is being lost at an unprecedented rate, and one of the primary drivers of this decline, particularly in terrestrial environments, is known to be agriculture. However, could agriculture also be part of the solution?
Cultural Practices of Conservation in the High Atlas
A short summary of research carried out in the Moroccan High Atlas over two years on Amazigh indigenous peoples’ traditional practices, which support a regional biodiversity hotspot and ensure social and ecological resilience.
Protected by Prayer: Sacred Natural Sites of the Mediterranean
In collaboration with leading scientists and spiritual custodians, DiversEarth enquires into the extent and form of Sacred Natural Sites.
The #MedFoodHeroes Cookbook
Recipes curated by environmental NGOs using sustainable ingredients from the Mediterranean About #MedFoodHeroes We believe the small choices we make in our day-to-day lives can have a positive impact on the environment and people. This cookbook is filled with Mediterranean recipes from the small sustainable producers featured in the #MedFoodHeroes @RootedEveryday campaign.
Terra Lemnia Standard of Practices
Based on traditional practices used by farmers of Lemnos, this guide is designed to be used as the basis for operation of the Land Stewards Network, a voluntary network of practitioners, and to create an environmental/landscape label.
Brochure on the root causes of overgrazing in Morocco
This brochure is based findings from a study that explored customary laws and traditions, land use changes and wider socio-political and economic changes and pressures, and includes solutions from a pastoralist's perspective.
Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of the Sheep of Lemnos, Lesvos and Agios Efstratios Islands
A study to examine crossbreeding between the local sheep population and the Lesvos sheep which its population gradually expanded on the island and maintained for about 30 years when other sheep breeds began resulting in new crossings.
The Cultural Elements of the Mandra System of Lemnos: A Narrative Approach
This report explains further about the better elements of the traditional Mandra system compared to newly introduced systems to manage Lemnos farming and stockbreeding regime, urging the revisitation of the traditional system.
Identification of Barriers and Opportunities in the Extensive Sheep / Goat Value Chain
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A study to examine the different ways of processing and marketing products from extensive livestock farming, identifying the barriers and bottlenecks and also the opportunities and existing initiatives that have an impact on the economic sustainability of extensive livestock farms.
Produits du Haut Atlas Marocain: Le panier Amazigh
A colourful booklet that features local and useful plant products in the Moroccan High Atlas, including olive trees, corn, cherries, carrots and thyme.
Report of Lemnos Agro-Pastoral Ecosystems Flora
A study on the establishment of a permanent plot-based monitoring system focusing on arable land to assess the impact (success) of specific agro-pastoral practices on biodiversity using bio-indicator species to expand the knowledge of overall floristic species diversity on Lemnos Island.
Links Between Agricultural Practices and Biodiversity in Mediterranean Landscapes
Cultural practices in the Mediterranean Basin that have a nexus with biodiversity and are supported by scientific evidence.
Mapping Change in Agricultural Landscapes of Lemnos
A study to examine the change and evolution of Lemnos' landscape by exploring the trajectories of change, understand the processes and the temporal trends for further exploration of the socio-economic drivers that underlie landscape changes.
Rewilding traditional grazing areas affects scavenger assemblages and carcass consumption patterns
A comparison of the scavenging patterns of wild and domestic ungulate carcasses in southern Spain provides evidence that the abandonment of traditional grazing may entail consequences for the scavenger community, which should be considered by ecologists and wildlife managers.
Mobile Pastoralism in Mediterranean Landscapes: The state of (mobile) pastoralism in five pilot sites
This brief report outlines the state of (mobile) pastoralism in five pilot sites and how partner organisations support conservation of the practice at the landscape level.
Co-Creating Knowledge for Action with Transhumant Herders in Spain
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This report examines the gaps in knowledge of present-day transhumant pastoralists’ traditional knowledge by conducting participant observation of transhumant movements and in-depth interviews with current and former transhumant herders.
Transhumance and Vultures
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Veterinary Diclofenac a non-steroidal anti–inflammatory drug used to treat livestock. It has a deadly impact on vultures that feed on contaminated livestock carcasses that are left in nature.
Mobile Pastoralism and the World Heritage Convention
A report which makes the case for mobile pastoralism (transhumance, nomadic and semi-nomadic pastoralism) at a global scale, through new research, support to pastoral communities, and through creative celebration of their knowledge and ways of life.
Mobile Pastoralism and Protected Areas: Conflict, Collaboration and Connectivity
This paper raises some serious questions for reflection by the protected area community vis-à-vis the practice of mobile pastoralism. From basic human rights issues to acknowledging the services pastoralists provide, readers are invited to reflect on an issue that is not clear-cut and requires much more dialogue, as well as concerted action to mitigate conflict and promote collaboration.
Innovations in Sustainable Rangelands and Pastoralism
A resolution of The United Nations Environment Assembly, Recalling United Nations Environment Assembly resolution 2/24 on combating desertification, land degradation and drought and promoting sustainable pastoralism and rangelands.
An Economic Analysis of Transhumance in the Central Spanish Pyrenees
An empirical evaluation of pastoralists’ claims that transhumance, a specific type of long-distance herd mobility, is a more profitable system compared to semi-extensive production in the Central Spanish Pyrenees.
Assessment Report for the Interconnections of Land Use Practices and Land Abandonment with Biodiversity and Soil Characteristics
This report is about the Terra Lemnia project attempts to support the biodiversity-friendly agro-pastoral practices developed around the original mandra systems and re-establish the broken links between arable farming and stockbreeding in Lemnos Island.
Making Your Own Butterfly Garden: A Startup Guide
This brochure describes the fun and know-how of butterfly gardening, a sustainable type of gardening, anywhere at home, on a balcony, patio, hedge, or lawn.
Mountain Pastures’ Restoration in Lebanon: A review
This report provides a review of previous programmes, initiatives and studies related to rangelands and pastures management and restoration in Lebanon from 2008 till today, in addition to consultation meetings with experts in the field. It also summarizes the gaps for pastures management and highlights measures that were suggested for a strengthened rangelands management.
A Pocket Guide to Lebanese Medicinal Plants
A handy, compact identification guide to the common medicinal plants of Lebanon, including their medicinal properties, edible parts, culinary uses, toxicities, Arabic names, and flowering times. This book for all ages features full-colour illustrations and concise species descriptions that identify the primary medicinal herbs of field and farmland.
A Butterfly Beauty
A Butterfly Beauty is a colourful, ecofriendly children's storybook on the vivid life cycle of Butterfly Beauty, a plain tiger butterfly. This book is scientific, fun, and educational.
Butterflies and Wildflowers of Lebanon Colouring Book
A fun, scientific, and educational colouring and activities book. Know your butterflies and host plants with each page!
Report on Lemnos Wild Rabbit Population
This report assesses the impacts of wild rabbits on the agro-pastoral ecosystems of Lemnos and analyzes methods of population control and mitigation of damages caused on agricultural production.
Report of Lemnos Agro-Pastoral Ecosystems Beneficial Insects & Other Arthropod Fauna
This report analyses the current status of avifauna on arable land, pastoral land and vineyards of four representative pilot areas of Lemnos, aiming to assess the relation between particular bird species and agro-pastoral practices.
The Land Use Systems of Lemnos Island
This report dives into the complex agro-silvo-pastoral systems of the Greek islands,characterised as fragile ecosystems, whose character has been historically defined by their limited potential for intensive agricultural production.
Semi-Detailed Soil Mapping of Selected Areas in Lemnos Island
This report analyses the characteristics and current condition of Lemnian soils, based on field recordings and laboratory analysis of samples that have been collected in representative areas of the island.
Report of Lemnos Agro-Pastoral Ecosystems Avifauna
This report is a recording of the diversity of avifauna in a wide range of agro-ecosystems such as cereal crops, vineyards, meadows, phrygana and more which are present on the island through designed sampling linking either the biocommunity of birds as a whole or individual species with specific farming practices.
Livestock Management and Local Farmed Animals in Lemnos
This report records the land use of Lemnos such as arable land, permanent crops, grazing lands, heterogeneous agricultural areas, forests, transitional forest to shrub areas, combinations of shrub and/or herbaceous vegetation, areas of sparse or no vegetation, inland areas covered by water, and artificial areas.
Report on Crop Landraces, Crop Wild Relatives and Wild Herbs
This report examines Lemnos agrobiodivesity along with expressing the importance of monitoring the status of agrobiodiversity in Lemnos and assess the genetic erosion that has been caused particularly because of the farmers’ practices as well as their preferences.
Resiliència Climàtica en la Gestió Agrària
This guide is the result of a project focused on climate change adaptation, which aims to increase the resilience of agricultural activities on farms through custody agreements. It serves custodial or agricultural estates that want to adapt similar practices to their territories. (Language: Spanish)
Monitoring of Biodiversity Indicators in the West Bekaa Landscape
Biodiversity Indicators tell us about the health and trend of biodiversity, as well as the integrity of ecosystems. They help us measure and monitor the effectiveness of the conservation to face the threats, and the conservation response to the protection of important biodiversity habitats. This study-report followed strategic steps to identify and monitor the avian indicators of West-Beqaa Area in Lebanon.
Mobile pastoralism in the Mediterranean: Arguments and evidence for policy reform and its role in combating climate change
By Pablo Manzano-Baena, Concha Salguero-Herrera (Mediterranean Consortium for Nature & Culture)Mobile pastoralism is one of the ...
Akdeniz’de Göçebe Hayvancılık
Mobile Pastoralism in the Mediterranean: Arguments for policy reform and the findings on the contributions of mobile pastoralism on the fight against climate change. (Language: Turkish)
Homat Al-Hima Guideline Manual
Homat Al Hima (HH) is an Arabic slogan widely used to describe the individuals and groups acting as guardians of Hima and other sites important for wildlife. They are typically, highly motivated, young, and of local origin. They enjoy an aspiration to link conservation to the social and economic concerns faced by their communities.
Rapid Assessment Report
By the Mediterranean Consortium for Nature and Culture“I am a free man, in a free country…” (Transhumant herder, Spain) Ordinary ...
On the Move for 10000 Years: Biodiversity Conservation through Transhumant and Nomadic Pastoralism in the Mediterranean
A report on the practice of transhumance and nomadic pastoralism, key threats to the practice and reasons for decline, and its links to biodiversity conservation, produced by the Mediterranean Consortium for Nature & Culture.