On the Move for 10000 Years: Biodiversity Conservation through Transhumant and Nomadic Pastoralism in the Mediterranean

By Liza Zogib, DiversEarth. On behalf of the Mediterranean Consortium for Nature and Culture

Biodiversity conservation – a way of life

Do you know anyone whose lifestyle contributes
concretely to the enhancement of biodiversity? We do.

Do you know people who see their lives as so embedded in nature that there is no divide? We do.

Do you know anyone who understands the landscape so intimately they can shape it like a sculpture? We do.

Do you know a single person who knows what it’s like to feel free because of what they do every day? We do.

If you do, you are fortunate indeed. And you will know how important it is to learn from these rare people. The transhumant shepherds and nomadic pastoralists of the Mediterranean are some of these people…And this is what our project is about…Listening, learning, and providing any support that we can. Trashumancia Viva!

Download the report: On the Move for 10000 Years: Biodiversity Conservation through Transhumant and Nomadic Pastoralism in the Mediterranean

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